Within the scope of “Determination of Industrial Emission Strategy of Turkey in Accordance with Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (DIES)” Project, of which the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, the General Directorate of Environmental Management, Department of Air Management is the beneficiary, two workshops were organized on the scope of the Preparation of National Action Plan (NAP). Each workshop had different target audiences and in the workshop, it is generally discussed harmonization of EU legislation and NAP, sectoral implementation strategies, transition schedule, cost data, and financial measures. You can access the workshop agendas here.
The first Workshop on the Preparation of the NAP was held on the online meeting platform between 4 – 6 May 2021. The workshop was organized for the MoEU staff, provincial directorates, and public institutions for three days. It was presented during the workshop the scope of the National Action Plan for the implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) in Turkey, the general binding rules in line with the EU legislation. Information on the difficulties encountered in the implementation of the IED and the administrative costs encountered in the implementation of the IED is also presented. The second workshop has the same content as the first workshop and was held on the online meeting platform for universities and sector representatives between 8 – 10 June 2021. You can find the workshop presentations here.
You can visit ‘DIES Project’ under this website to get more information about the Project and follow Project’s social media accounts.